Most patients with ineffectiveness or insufficient effectiveness of conservative therapy are shown the implementation of surgical methods of treatment.
Surgical methods of treatment:
- Ligation of hemorrhoids with latex rings is a minimally invasive method of treating hemorrhoids. Minimally invasive therapy is characterized by low traumatism of nearby tissues, minimal risk of complications, does not require taking painkillers, treating wound surfaces, removing sutures. The patient is under the supervision of a specialist for 2-3 days. If the doctor's recommendations are followed, treatment allows you to get rid of the pathology forever.
- Open hemorrhoidectomy is performed using electrosurgical instruments. The technique is used in stages 3-4 of the disease, in the presence of concomitant diseases of the canal (fissure, fistulas of the rectum).
- Closed hemorrhoidectomy (with the restoration of the mucous membrane of the canal). The technique is used in stages 3-4 of the disease, in the absence of clear boundaries between the external and internal hemorrhoidal nodes.
- Hemorrhoidectomy by high-frequency electrocoagulation.
A differentiated approach to the choice of the method of treatment of hemorrhoids depending on the stage of the disease, using modern methods of treatment can achieve good results in 100% of patients.